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Our Approach to the Job Search

We're good listeners. Because we're good listeners first, we don't waste time later. As your partner, we help you eliminate the risk of making the wrong decision. We invest the time to understand your values, your philosophy, and your requirements. We ask questions. We challenge you. We make you think. We develop a relationship with you. As your trusted partner, our goal is to make the right match between the best candidate and the best job for that candidate. We are committed to conducting effective searches for the most able people who fit well into our clients' companies.


The Meyers Group take great pride in our long-standing history of presenting our clients with strong candidates who represent very diverse backgrounds, keeping with our own deep personal commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity.


Our Process


The Planning Stage. We design a specific, targeted plan for each and every search assignment we accept. We then conduct thorough research to uncover potential candidates.


Contacting the Candidates. Once we identify good candidates, we make contact on a direct, personal basis.


  • We present the objectives, opportunities, responsibilities, and potential of the position.

  • We examine the qualifications of the candidates against the requirements of the position.

  • We select the candidates who are the best match.

  • We explore the fit for the candidate and her/his spouse or significant other and family, as appropriate.


Presenting the Candidates. The qualified candidates are presented for consideration.


  • Only when a strong mutual interest exists does the process continue.

  • We assist in scheduling and monitoring the interviewing process.

  • The decision and the offer: We provide expert counsel and advice at this critical point

  • We facilitate communication on salary terms and benefits.

  • We assist the candidate through the emotional process of resigning their present position


Onboarding Process. Beginning with a well-organized orientation, we assure that there is a plan to fully integrate the new employee into the organization and its culture.


Ongoing Relationship. We maintain contact on both sides to make sure that the outcome of the search assignment meets everyone's expectations.


Targeted Staffing Solutions. Each staffing assignment generates challenges that call for special solutions. Here's a menu of some of our most useful staffing tools:


  • Single-sourcing reduces inefficiency by allowing you to work with just one recruiter.

  • Project outsourcing fulfills complex or multiple assignments though project teams.

  • Advanced technology allows us to apply internet and intranet capabilities to staffing assignments.

  • An Emotional Intelligence Assessment helps evaluate candidate fit prior to the job offer.

  • International staffing relationships give us access to candidates and professional consultation, worldwide.

  • Relocation services provide value-added services that take a lot of the pain out of moving. We've been there ourselves!


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